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Armed thieves rob Irish Nobleman Pub and its patrons in West Town in less than 1 minute: VIDEO
Armed robbery suspects targeted the Irish Nobleman Pub and its patrons at 1367 West Erie Street in West Town, Chicago, surveillance video shows.
May 4, 2024, 9:49 pm - Source:

Armed thieves rob Irish Nobleman Pub and its patrons in West Town in less than 1 minute: VIDEO Armed robbery suspects targeted the Irish Nobleman Pub and its patrons at 1367 West Erie Street in West Town, Chicago, surveillance video shows. Armed robbery suspects targeted the Irish Nobleman Pub and its patrons at 1367 West Erie Street in West Town, Chicago, surveillance video shows. Armed robbery suspects targeted the Irish Nobleman Pub and its patrons at 1367 West Erie Street in West Town, Chicago, surveillance video shows. Armed robbery suspects targeted the Irish Nobleman Pub and its patrons at 1367 West Erie Street in West Town, Chicago, surveillance video shows. CHICAGO (WLS) -- No one can believe how fast it happened.

Security cameras captured a crew of armed thieves robbing the Irish Nobleman Pub and its patrons. They were in and out in less than a minute. "Ran behind the bar, robbed the bar, took the cash register," said pub owner Declan Morgan. "Everyone had their hands up.

Then, they robbed customers." It happened around 1:45 a.m. Saturday before the bar in the 1300-block of West Erie Street closed. As the criminals robbed frightened customers and staff at gunpoint, Morgan ran for help. "I went across the street, called 911 and I was across the street, and they came out and opened fire on me," Morgan said. "I was shouting at them, saying the cops are coming." Footage shows Morgan taking cover as at least one shot rang out. "They ran down the alley, where one of my waitresses ran out and ran past her, scared her," Morgan said. SEE ALSO | String of bar break-ins reported in hours in West Town, Wicker Park, Bucktown, Ukrainian Village The aftermath of the violence is visible in daylight.

It's unclear how much the robbers got away with. Morgan admits his bar has been targeted before, but nothing like this. He has hired armed security and is staying open - for now. "I said come, so they will be here tonight, and they're armed and we're going to put a sign on the door: 'We don't accept cash.' Maybe that will deter them," Morgan said. After being in the neighborhood for 25 years, Morgan praises Chicago police, but says city officials aren't doing enough to address violent crime. "I'm finding it hard to argue with my wife about leaving the city now," Morgan said. "I've got a baby boy coming in a month, and just don't know." Police are investigating the robbery.

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keywords: Irish Nobleman Pub targeted in West Town, Chicago robbery at 1367 West Erie Street, surveillance video shows
words: West, Armed, Irish, Nobleman, Pub

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