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Saturday, May 18th 2024

'Home away from home:' Bowling community returns to Just-In-Time Recreation
Just-In-Time Recreation, one of two locations targeted by the Lewiston mass shooter, celebrated its grand reopening Friday.
May 18, 2024, 9:31 am - Source:

LEWISTON (WGME) – Just-In-Time Recreation, one of two locations targeted by the Lewiston mass shooter, celebrated its grand reopening Friday. More than six months after the Lewiston mass shooting, community members flooded to the bowling alley in a major step towards healing. “It took me at least a few days to even accept the idea of coming back in here, let alone re-open,” said Justin Juray, co-owner of Just-In-Time Recreation. Justin and his wife Sam wrestled with re-opening their bowling alley after the unthinkable happened on October 25.

Finally, they decided the tragedy couldn’t be their ending. “It means a lot to the whole community,” said Justin Juray. "We did this for the community.” The bowling alley looks much different now. It was remodeled and is now filled with dedication and remembrances, honoring those who died that night. But despite the changes, coming back wasn’t easy for many. “I came to the front door and that’s about as far as I got,” said shooting survivor Tom Giberti. “I couldn’t make it through the whole place. It was just, it was hard. It really was.” Giberti was inside Just-In-Time Recreation the night of the shooting, and has been called a hero, credited with saving many children inside.

And while coming back was tough, he says he wasn’t ready to lose the bowling alley. “I’ve been here over 20 years,” said Giberti. “It’s not like I’m gonna give up on it yet.” Other shooting survivors braved the front door Friday as well. Many are avid bowlers and eager to get back to the sport and the place they love. “It was definitely like being at home again,” said shooting survivor Johnathan Moore. “It’s a home away from home.” “I couldn’t see this place not re open,” said avid bowler Sara Welch, who was inside the bowling alley at the time of the shooting. “I don’t know where we would be.” For people who love to bowl, the open lanes were a big step towards healing.

"It was very emotional obviously seeing everything, but once we started bowling it was just like a big weight, lifting off of us,” said John Robinson, a regular at Just-In-Time Recreation. The Jurays are now looking forward to smiles and strikes on their lanes for years to come. “If we didn’t have all of you then we definitely wouldn’t have been able to open the doors back up,” said Sam Juray. “You’re the reason,” said Justin Juray. “This is why this is why we decided to open.”

keywords: Shooting, Community, Bowling, Just-In-Time Recreation, Reopening, Healing, Survivors, Lewiston
words: Just-In-Time, 'Home, home:', Bowling, community

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