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Doctors warn public about risks of tickborne illnesses as weather gets warmer
Parsonnet said if a tick is carrying Lyme Disease, there's a small window before the disease makes its way into the body.
May 8, 2024, 3:26 am - Source:

With spring underway and warmer weather approaching, infectious disease experts said it's important to check for ticks after being outside."With global warming, we're beginning to see Lyme disease transmission almost all a year, certainly starting in March," said Dr. Jeffrey Parsonnet, a professor of medicine and infectious disease expert at Dartmouth Health.Parsonnet said if a tick is carrying Lyme disease, there's a small window before the disease makes its way into the body."The tick has to be embedded, not just crawling on the skin. It has to be in place for two days, really," Parsonnet said.He said early symptoms of Lyme disease may include a rash, a low-grade fever and body aches.

More severe symptoms may affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems."Remove the tick, there's no magic to it. Just get a pair of tweezers and pull it out. But at that point, living in Vermont and New Hampshire, there's enough Lyme disease that's a point to contact one's provider because taking a single dose of an antibiotic doxycycline can prevent the emergence of Lyme disease," Parsonnet said. MANCHESTER, N.H. — With spring underway and warmer weather approaching, infectious disease experts said it's important to check for ticks after being outside. "With global warming, we're beginning to see Lyme disease transmission almost all a year, certainly starting in March," said Dr.

Jeffrey Parsonnet, a professor of medicine and infectious disease expert at Dartmouth Health. Parsonnet said if a tick is carrying Lyme disease, there's a small window before the disease makes its way into the body. "The tick has to be embedded, not just crawling on the skin. It has to be in place for two days, really," Parsonnet said. He said early symptoms of Lyme disease may include a rash, a low-grade fever and body aches. More severe symptoms may affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. "Remove the tick, there's no magic to it. Just get a pair of tweezers and pull it out.

But at that point, living in Vermont and New Hampshire, there's enough Lyme disease that's a point to contact one's provider because taking a single dose of an antibiotic doxycycline can prevent the emergence of Lyme disease," Parsonnet said.

keywords: Lyme Disease, Tick season, illness, protection
words: a, Doctors, warn, public, risks

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